Use this troubleshooter step for general site-related issues or comments.
If your issue relates to the video player, please refer to the previous troubleshooter list by clicking the << Back button and selecting "I have a video player issue".
If your issue is not related to general site issues, please click the << Back button and select a different category.
If you are reporting a site being down, please scroll all the way down to contact support.
Our administrative and creatives team have assembled our sites using the most modern technologies, methods of design and many in-house developments to make your browsing experience and navigation as forthcoming as possible. To adopt these latest technologies, we realized that not every individual can get the exact same experience out of the membership sites as others would. However, statistics have proven to us that 99.99% of users will have a fully-encompassing experience void of any issues.
Please follow these common best practices:
- If possible, install and use flash player.
We know, it sounds kind of silly of us to recommend flash (older tech) over HTML5 (newer tech), but the truth of the matter is that it is still the most widely-used delivery method that is supported by the most environments. - Keep your browser up to date and fresh.
Since we rely on the most modern web technologies, it is imperative that your browser be up to date to properly support all types of programing and media delivery that we use. For best result, please ensure that cookie tracking is enabled and that you regularly clear your web cache (please refer to browser developer for instruction and/or support). - Disable ALL browser addons.
(except flash, if flash player is your preferred method)
We all use plugins and addons to better experience the web as a whole, but its best to disable them all when visiting our member sites due tot he fact that we employed the most modern technologies and methods while assembling these sites. Some of which are still troublesome for upstart addon developers to content with. We constantly upgrade our methods for security reasons and to remain a strong contender in the eyes of the consumer... you. To make sure we deliver our product(s) to you at it's best, disable all your addons. If you chose to use flash as your method of playing videos, leave flash player ENABLED. - If using flash player, ensure it is up to date and fresh.
This is probably the most important best-practice. Most web browsers update very often and many times, incompatibilities arise that Flash player must release updates for (and vice versa - a never-ending cycle) so it is important that you check flash player weekly to ensure it is up to date.
Clear flash player cache as often as every few days and when suspecting video player issues.
(right-click video player while it is playing, select "Global Settings" and click "Delete all" in the "Storage" tab) - Keep your operating system and all drivers up to date and fresh.
Check for update weekly to ensure your operating system is up to date (refer to developer for instructions and support). It is also extremely important to keep all your cache under control. Many programs and operating systems leave a trail of log files, temp files, prefetch files, reports and even keeping extra copies of installers, so it's best to keep clearing all these types of files out. There are many tools within the operating systems to do this ut we recommend you download and install a program called CCleaner (opens in new window) to clear all your temporary files. As a bonus, it will also take care of your browser cache, flash player cache and many areas of your computer that you would normally not be able to easily access for cleaning. We cannot and will not provide support on how to use CCleaner but if you check every option and every tab, it's very self explanatory. We recommend you completely disable the "wipe free space" option as a first step. It slows the process significantly and can hurt some newer SSD drives. - Keep your hardware up to date and maintained.
While it is true that you can pretty much surf the web on a wrist-watch these days, the technologies employed by media sites like ours tend to push the limits of even the coolest gadgets on the block from just a few years ago. We have no set system requirements, but we do suggest you have at least the following:
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10, Mac OSx or a modern Linux derivitive
2GB Ram
128MB dedicated video ram
5GB free HD space (for video and photo caching)
10mb/s download speed
For mobiles/tablets, we recommend a minimum of Android Kit-Kat or iOS 5 and minimum of a 3g network for basic streaming.
(Ours sites and video players may not support all features depending on environments and configurations of the mobile devices or tablets) - Ensure your connection is transparent and sufficient.
Our sysop admin has configured the video streamer to automatically choose the best stream quality that your environment supports for real-time streaming. It factors in speeds, response time, packet loss and how many hops it takes to reach you. You can always directly choose the video stream quality but be aware that if you chose one that is above what your infrastructure can reasonably handle to provide a real-time stream, it will need to buffer. Some ISP's also throttle video streaming bandwidth. We are unable to control this. Also, believe it or not, some WIFI connections are giving you slower throughput than you think. Advertised WIFI throughput seems plenty, but its really not as fast and responsive enough for streaming full hd at the quality levels we provide as most would expect, especially if you are sharing the connection or have other things going on in your network.
Availability Of Access
At this time, we do not provide access to the following countries or subdivisions:
(PN) Pitcairn
(PH) Philippines
(CN) China
(TH) Thailand
(MX) Mexico
(ID) Indonesia
(BE) Belgium
(HK) Hong Kong
(LA) Laos
(KH) Cambodia
(MY) Malaysia
(VN) Vietnam
(BE) Belgium
If you were inadvertently able to access the site and signup for a membership while residing in any of the countries listed above, please click the "Back" button and select "I want to cancel / manage my subscription." from the list to cancel your membership and/or refund your membership fee (if applicable).
VPN/Proxy use
We do not support the use of proxies or VPN accounts to circumvent availability of access while residing in any country or subdivision listed above. If you signed up for your membership while residing in a country that we provide an availability of access to but were then stationed in or moved (long-term/permanently) to a country or subdivision that we do not provide an availability of access to, it is recommended that you obey all applicable laws and statutes in that country or subdivision and obey all local laws pertaining to accessing adult-themed materials over the internet and cancel your membership since we cannot provide access to those locales. For temporary/short visits or a short-term stay in a country that we do not provide an availability of access to, it is recommended that you still obey all applicable laws and statutes in that country or subdivision and obey all local laws pertaining to accessing adult-themed materials over the internet and cancel your membership until you return to a country or subdivision that we can provide an availability of access to. To cancel your membership temporarily or permanently, please click the "Back" button and select "I want to cancel / manage my subscription." from the list.
We do understand that many members whom move to or are stationed in a country, whether long or short-term, that we do not provide an availability of access to may continue to use their membership via VPN or proxy, but we do not provide support on the usage and/or availability of access to the site in this case, nor do we hold any responsibilities if you break any applicable local, country or subdivision laws regarding accessing of adult-themed materials over the internet in these locals. We also do not provide any guarantee that availability of access will continue to be viable through your VPN or proxy as we are continually updating our security software and methods.
If you need to contact our support team about any general site related issues, broken links, to report a site being down or need to report an issue that previous steps in this troubleshooter do not address, feel free to contact us by clicking "Submit a request' at bottom of this article.
- Please allow up to 24 hours for a response -
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